The Green Neon Run 2016

DATE SUNDAY November 20th, 2016
Venue Setia Convention Center, Shah Alam
Assemble Time 6:00pm
Flag-Off 8:00pm

Our Family Run category is strictly for families with at least one child between the ages of 4 to 12 years old. If you are planning to come with your friends, neighbors or co-workers, there is a Fun Run category which is more challenging but equally as rewarding! We hope to see you soon. Thank you!
Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

  • 1. A Participant can only participate in the Event if he/she has completed an appropriate registration fully and truthfully, if the entry fee has been paid in full no later than two weeks before the date of the Event and if the Participant has agreed to the General Terms & Conditions

  • 2. All Entries are not transferable. Public Entry is available on a first-come, first-served basis, and is not transferable. The Organizer will not accept any request for category change after the registration is completed. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel entry of any applicants without refund if they have provided false or incomplete information, fail to make the required payment, or fail to meet entry requirements. The Organizer also reserves the right to contact and interview applicants by phone or other means for any additional information required for their application.

  • 3. Each person is only allowed to register once. It is up to each applicant to ensure that there is only one registration for and by him / her. Any duplicated registration will be cancelled by the Organizer without giving prior notice. Duplicated entry cannot be used for redeeming the Runner's Pack and entry fee paid will not be refunded.

  • 4. Upon submitting his/her entry, applicant agrees to accept all Terms & Conditions and agree to the Official Competition Rules as stipulated and also to those that maybe later introduced by the Organizer to regulate the smooth running of the event.

  • 5.

    • (a) warrants and confirms to the Organizer that he / she is physically fit to participate in and complete the race; and
    • (b) agrees to indemnify the Organizer and hold the Organizer indemnified and harmless for
      • i) any injury or death suffered by the Participant himself / herself or any other persons; and
      • ii) any damage to property as a result of him / her not being physically fit to participate in and complete the race.

  • 6. The Participant must have adequate insurance cover against any damages he or a surviving family member may suffer as a result of his death, injury or illness, caused by his participation in the Event.

  • 7. The Organizer reserves the right to disqualify any person and / or nullify his or her result due to any violation, breach or non-observance of any Terms and Conditions set for this event. The Organizer shall not be obliged to refund any entry fee under such circumstances.

  • 8. The Organizer reserves the right to change or alter any parts of the running route before and during the race without prior notice to participants in the event of unexpected road conditions or emergency. The race may be temporarily suspended for the emergency vehicles access. Participants must follow the instructions of race officials or any law enforcement officers on site, in case of emergency.

  • 9. Instructions given by the Organizer and race officials must be followed with respect to all matters not provided herein. The Organizer reserves the right to reject applications of participants who refuse to follow instructions of the race officials for all future The Green World Run or any other races organized by the Organizer.

  • 10. Participants who do not start the race according to the designed start time and assigned registered race category and participants who do not complete the race (including participants who boarded the Official Bus), shall not be entitled to any awards and certificates.

  • 11. The Organizer is not liable for any costs incurred by the Participant if the Event has to be cancelled because of force majeure.

  • 12. The Participant grants the Organizer the right to publish pictures and image material etc., recorded during or around the time of the Event, in which the Participant is visible.

  • 13. The Organiser will save personal data provided by the Participant in a database. By participating in an Event a Participant grants the Organiser permission to use the personal data to send information to the Participant to provide personal data to third parties for the purpose of sending information to the Participant. By entering into the Agreement the Participant grants the Organiser permission to publish his name and competition results, for instance by means of publication in newspapers and via the Internet.


Please read the Waiver Clause below carefully. Once completed, please click in the box to acknowledge agreement to the terms and conditions stated below.

In consideration of the Organizer accepting this entry, and the registration to participate in the above Run, I hereby waive and release any and all rights to claims to damages I may against the Organizers holding this Run, their agents, representatives, successors, assigns, race sponsors for any and all injuries, death and invalidity I may sustain before, during or after the course of the event or arising as a result of it. I hereby indemnify the Organizers and keep them indemnified and waived against all claims or damages that arise in consequence of the above.

Payment Summary

1) Kindly make payment to any of our Bank Accounts:
Maybank: 5148 4232 8390
Account Name: The Green World Malaysia Association

Public Bank: 3202 9659 07
Account Name: Pertubuhan Dunia Hijau Malaysia
Kindly notify us after payment and screenshot your transfer slip or bank-in slip to us via email (
Upload your transfer slip/bank-in slip

2) You can also make payment via PayPal

Payment Summary

1) Kindly make payment to any of our Bank Accounts:
Maybank: 5148 4232 8390
Account Name: The Green World Malaysia Association

Public Bank: 3202 9659 07
Account Name: Pertubuhan Dunia Hijau Malaysia
Kindly notify us after payment and screenshot your transfer slip or bank-in slip to us via email (
Upload your transfer slip/bank-in slip

2) You can also make payment via PayPal

Provide your profile details

Contact Information
Provide your street address
Provide your city/town
Provide your postcode
Review your registration details
Registration details

Contact Information

Payment Summary

Kindly make payment to any of our Bank Accounts:
Maybank: 5148 4232 8390
Account Name: The Green World Malaysia Association

Public Bank: 3202 9659 07
Account Name: Pertubuhan Dunia Hijau Malaysia
Kindly notify us after payment and screenshot your transfer slip or bank-in slip to us via email (
Upload your transfer slip/bank-in slip